wood air return vent

HVAC Return Register - Designed to Take AC Filters

Wood AC Return Filter Grilles

Our wood air conditioning return grilles are designed to complement your wood ceilings and walls rather than detract from the decor like a standard metal grille.
You can choose from Oak, Poplar, Paint Grade Maple, or any other custom wood we offer.  Stock Sizes or custom sizes are available as well – Just call us at 1-800-685-8263 or contact us.

Stock Sized Wood Air Conditioning Grilles

Our wood return air filter vents are designed to be secure for either wall or ceiling applications.  The removable portion of the grille is secured both with clips and screws.

The vent to the left is a custom Poplar filter Vent we did for a customer in Lancaster, PA.  He and his HVAC contractor were so happy with the first vent, they trusted us to do another!

Custom work is our specialty, as is custom finishing.  Feel free to see our custom finish work here and some of our custom vents in the gallery here

Volko Supply Co

205 Herricks Rd, New Hyde Park, NY, 11040

Phone: (516) 741-4466

Fax: (516) 741-4470

Email: info@volko.com